sante barley award

List of Sante International Branches from A-Z

This list is on the record as o October 2013. The satelite branches owned by Sante franchisees are not included in this list. To view the contact details and address of each branch, you are advised to check the branch operator locator at main website of Sante HERE.

10 Effective Steps to Solve Your Money Problems

How do you solve money problems?

Barley Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease Accordnig to U.S. FDA

According to U.S. FDA, coronary heart disease claims nearly half a million lives a year. High total cholesterol levels and high levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol are known to increase one's risk for heart disease, so consumers are encouraged to keep these levels as low as possible.

Brunei GAP Logo: The Seal of Safety and Quality Assurance

Brunei GAP Logo

Farm products with GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) logo in the markets of Brunei assures safety and quality. Some of these products may be organically produced and some are pesticide free.

7-Step Farmer's Guide to Network Marketing

Depending on the type of crops he has planted, the farmer have to wait for few months before he could taste the fruits of his labor.


Photo by Ananth BS (originally posted to Flickr as Annadatha) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sante Barley Product Presentation in English Version

Did you that barley is the only vegetation on earth that can supply nutritional support from birth to old age?

This base on the 13-year research of Dr. Yoshide Hagiwara, a scientist, pharmacologist and inventor.

Barley is the most nutritious of all plant foods. It is considered as a total complete food. Barley grass is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes plus chlorophyll, phytonutrients and phytochemicals that help boost the body's immune systems and fight dreaded disease like cancer.

Sante Barley Pure Capsule is PPD Listed

Sante Barley Pure Capsule is  now listed at the 20th Edition of the Pharmaceutical Products Directory (PPD)

The Philippine Pharmaceutical Directory (PPD) is a comprehensive listing of pharmaceutical drugs available in the Philippines.

Annually reviewed by a competent and highly technical editorial staff, PPD information is accurate and up-to-date.  It is considered as an essential tool for medical practitioners for their daily clinical and hospital practice.

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